Thursday 1 July 2010


So today's ride was a nice easy pace... not wanting heat exhaustion again... but I was try mainly to work on my skills... practicing cornering correctly both slowly and at speed... and working on some of the tricks for hairpins... Hopefull I will become technically better aswell as fitter through this.

I have been working off the short series of lessons I found on and hopefully they will come along quite nicely :)

As always, I'll keep you posted.

Big Love, and happy riding xxx

Find the real blog here:

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Summer has begun

So despite the distinct lack of posting for a while, I have been riding again, the frequency has been about 3 decent sized rides a week with commuting on off days...

I have been trying to step-up the solo rides so that I am really pushing myself. Today I did 30miles of intense off-road riding in the scorching heat, pushing myself to the absolute limit, I aim to do at least one of these a week, preferably more though.

Group riding has begun again, but these rides are few and far between, especially with the distinct absence of Harry, due to holiday. Hopefully these will become a twice weekly thing, growing out skill and pace as a group.

I have suggested to the group that we partake in Mountain Mayhem 2011, the 24hour endurance race. This will be a bit of fun, and something to train for, a few friends of mine did the 2010 race just a short while ago, and they did pretty well so it isn't totally unachievable... will have to convince the lads on padded undershoots and race gel's though LOL.

Which brings me to my next point, shortly before I left Uni for the summer I picked up a nice big order of High5 goodies at the lovely sponsorship 50% discount XD, so now my training is including them. I have energy bars for early morning rides instead of breakfast, gel's to use for half way through longer rides, and then protein recovery drink for use afterwards and to help me build up lean muscle.

Hopefully I will also be using the workout bench in my room again, for days when I don't ride to help build up the muscle, and will be playing tennis with my sister alot to generally build fitness... So hopefully I should be on target to race in the BUCS 10/11 season when I get back to Uni after the summer... wish me luck :)

Until next time, big love xxx

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Saturday 12 June 2010

Work Continues...

So I have finally finished my exams for the summer, so work is now continuing on the website :D

It's something I've been wanting to do for ages now and so I'm glad to finally be back on it, coding the way I love...

Sadly no riding still, but I'm hoping to get it under-way again tomorrow, going on a ride with my friend Sam, who I haven't seen for too long, I'm going to try and find a way of publishing my rides or something, would be good if I could get my Edge linked up to the internet somehow :)

So for today the main stuff I am working on is the bikes page, and then getting under-way with some designs both for the sight and for my summer project ... something I will be blogging about soon no doubt...

So this should now be appearing on the main sight, crossed over with the standalone blog, and now a facebook page ( so please become a fan and all comments welcomed and encourage, the reader is who I aim to please so let me know how I can improve the site, or indeed the blog content...

Until next time, keep peddling (y) xxx

Finally Live

After much trouble getting the site up, and then some fun and games with file permissions the site is finally live.

The main purpose of this site is to provide a blog for exclusively bike stuff... I realised that cycling (as a big part of my life) was encroaching alot on my other blog... and so wanted to make a more specific one.

I will also be able to have bike stuff on here:
- Projects
- Gallery
- Links to bargains etc...

I also hope to php code a forum onto here, get comments up and going for the blog... and maybe integrate the lads bike rides onto the site... who knows...

For now this is atleast a start.

As ever I will try and post frequently... but now guarantees... until next time... keep spinning xxx

My First Post


This is my first blog on my new cycleblog site, I tried to make it accessible to me anywhere, so I have setup the login myself, hopefully it will be relatively hack resistant... so if there are any posts that really don't seem like me... well you'll know why.

Anyways, I'm rambling on... the main purpose of this post is simply to check how the noobishly basic system I have created works, hopefully the output onsite won't be too dismal... if it is, well I'm sure I'll fix it by the time the site gets any significant viewers lol

Much Love xxx